Monday, May 2, 2011

Victorian women fashion

     Fashion during my time for women was extremly formal. There was no pants or t-shirts during this time.Women always had to wear long dresses with long sleeves. During this time women were really protective over their bodys and as well as their reputation. Their reputation meant the world to them. How you were seen in the society was a huge deal and part of their lifes.If you did not look the part it follow you everywhere you go.
  A typical day in the fashion world for us as women was a long fancy dress.No matter what the occasion was.Dresses had a tight, cinched waist, puffed sleeves, and high collar. The accessories a woman wore consisted of hair extensions for volume, gloves, a bonnet or a hat, high-laced boots, a shawl or cape, and a parisol to protect herself from the sun. The way you dress should your wealth as well. The more money you had the more elegant n pricey your gown would be. FASHION was a big statement during my time for women.

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