Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Hardwork Takes You Far

    I went to study at Kaiserwerth, germany to become a nurse at the Institute of Protestant Deaconesses. Two years later i became resident lady superintendent of a hospital for invalid women in London.

My Passion

       At the age of seventeen i felt that God was calling me to do a great cause. I kept searching for my calling and untill the age twenty-five i told my parents I wanted to become a nurse but my parents refused to let their daughter become a nurse. My desire to become a nurse became stronger when I met Elizabeth Blackwell in London. She inspired me because she was the first woman to qualify as a doctor in the United States. She encouraged me to keep on trying to get my parents to understand my passion in life. In 1851 my father gave me the permission to train as a nurse. I was so excited about the news that my father gave me. I could finally become a nurse and do what i love.I know that i am going to enjoy my calling because this was what i really wanted to do!

Monday, May 2, 2011

influential Victorian women

    There was many influential women during the Victorian Era. Two that i feel like were the most influential was Queen victoria and Elizabeth Garrett. One well remembered women was queen Victoria. besides the fact that she was queen Queen Victoria was an influential women during this period. When her uncle King William died he past down the crown to her and made her queen at Webminister Abbey in 1838. Later Queen Victoria married her cousin Albert.

     Another influential women was Elizabeth Garret. Elizabeth Garret was the first women to qualify as a doctor in Britain. She helped safe many lives,and many people that did not have much went to her. She found a hospital for the less fortunate women and children in London. she was one of my influential women as well. Her desire and passion just drove me to try hard at what i wanted to do.

Victorian women fashion

     Fashion during my time for women was extremly formal. There was no pants or t-shirts during this time.Women always had to wear long dresses with long sleeves. During this time women were really protective over their bodys and as well as their reputation. Their reputation meant the world to them. How you were seen in the society was a huge deal and part of their lifes.If you did not look the part it follow you everywhere you go.
  A typical day in the fashion world for us as women was a long fancy dress.No matter what the occasion was.Dresses had a tight, cinched waist, puffed sleeves, and high collar. The accessories a woman wore consisted of hair extensions for volume, gloves, a bonnet or a hat, high-laced boots, a shawl or cape, and a parisol to protect herself from the sun. The way you dress should your wealth as well. The more money you had the more elegant n pricey your gown would be. FASHION was a big statement during my time for women.

women in victorian Society

   Women in the Victorian society were treated and viewed differently from how they are treated now. A womens place was at home with the childern. The person with all the responseablities was the man.The man was seen as so much more than a women. Women that were wealthy were known to spend her time reading, sewing, receiving guests, going visiting, letter writing, seeing to the servants and dressing as her husband's social representative. The lower class women had to work and make a living.
    During this time women really did not have a say in huge decisions as well, as always the husband had to do all the talking and pretty much had way more opportunities than the women. The women did not find this strange yet they knew they deserved more but that was just how society worked during this time. A positive note on this era was that women were treated like gold. Maybe, not  in the whole your the boss type of thing but in a way that men respected them.They were known as a delicate flower that could break any moment which made the men respect their wifes and not hit them or be abusive towards them. Hopefully i can find a good husdand one day.